The last couple of months have been pretty exciting at Angus Adventures. For those of you that don’t know, we’ve launched a company called Open Ocean Robotics, with the intent of taking to
market the unique technology we’re developing with our autonomous boats. Initially, our plan was simply to try being the first to cross the Atlantic in an unmanned autonomous boat, however, as we developed our boats and researched the industry, we realized there is great potential in the industry. Just as with autonomous cars, the potential for autonomous boats is massive, but it is still a very
early stage industry. Our background in boat design and voyaging gave us a unique insight into the subtleties of making a small low-powered boat function effectively in open ocean conditions.
The Canadian Government in partnership with Mars Discovery District launched an incubator program for female CEOs running early stage Green Tech companies. Julie entered the program, along with 148 others, and ended up being one of the six winning candidates. The program runs for two and a half years, and at the end of the incubator program, there will also be another (one in five chance) of receiving an additional 1,000,000 in funding. This support will hugely facilitate development, research, and the protection of our proprietary developments. It also includes “unprecedented” access to government labs, which includes tanks for testing boats, solar research facilities, and other useful research institutions.
More information on the “Women in Cleantech Challenge” can be found here.