It’s day 11 and Colin has made it to an island near Bamfield. Haines Island is uninhabited now, but old buildings and an orchard remain. It is also the where Voss and Luxton, who in 1901 set off to canoe around the world in their dugout Tilikum, spent a month after getting hit by a gale when they left from Victoria.
Colin’s feeling a little better today. Yesterday he took most of the day off to rest and that seems to have helped his tendonitis, which he has in one wrist and both legs.
He didn’t get much of a break on the water today though.As he rowed from Tofino to Ucluelet, he battled a strong current and big swell.Conditions improved once he reached the Broken Group Islands.This is a gorgeous spot.It’s a collection of more than 100 islands, our favourite paddling destination and where we went for our honeymoon.Coincidentally the current issue of British Columbia Magazine has a Q&A with Colin on this archipelago.
Colin’s in much better spirits today and is excited to be nearing Victoria and the point where he starts rowing north again.